A large mammal roams across the open field, a brightly-colored bird perches on a branch, a scaly fish swims in a river, and a large tree rises toward the sky. Thousands of living things inhabit Earth, and each one has distinctive features that set it apart. In the Field Guides for Kids series, learn about hundreds of birds, fish, mammals, and trees, and how to identify them in the wild.
• 2021
• Nonfiction
• Animals, Nature, Science & technology
• Full-color Photographs
• Author: Assorted
• Reading Level: Grade 6
• Interest Level: Grades 4-8
• All prices reflect a 30% discount off list.
• 112 pages
• 5.75” x 8.75”
• Library Bound
• Glossary of key words, Index, Informative sidebars, and Table of contents