Whatever the Weather: Let’s play outside! Rain, snow, sun, or wind – there’s a wealth of sights, sounds, smells, tastes and textures to discover and enjoy! In this series of richly illustrated books, Carol Thompson celebrates the immediate and sensory response of children to the natural world – whatever the weather!
Little Movers: Little Movers Run, climb, crawl or jump – everybody loves to move! Fast or slow, up or down, alone or with our friends! Carol Thompson's exquisite illustrations allow us to share and explore the struggles, achievements and sheer delight of children learning to manage and explore early movement challenges. These books are perfect aids to help build confidence and control. Ready? One, two, three...let's move!
Amazing Me!: What can we find in the dressing-up box? Can you wiggle your toes to the music? How loudly can you sing? Let’s dance! Enjoy the antics of this inclusive and diverse group of friends, as they celebrate the natural and boundless creativity to be found in every child.