Jared, Stan, Mitch, Barry, and Amy live in the small town of Marshfield, or "Graveyard City." The town has four old cemeteries, and each kid lives next to one. They've witnessed so many strange things in the graveyards that they've formed a group called the Zombie Hunters! But they hunt more than just zombies-they track ghosts, hobgoblins, and vampires, too. Each member of the group keeps a diary of the group's activities.
• Fall 2021
• Fiction – Chapter Books
• Horror, Mystery & Suspense
• B&W Illustrations
• Author: Baron Specter
• AR – BL: 2.9-3.4
• Reading Level: Grade 3
• Interest Level: Grades 2-5
• All prices reflect a 30% discount off list.
• 112 Pages
• 5.75"x 8"
• Library Bound