Pam Adams’ beloved story, “Mrs. Honey’s Hat” comes to life with this wonderful story-time kit. Go with Mrs. Honey on her adventures and trade out her original hat adornments for new ones – they are Velcro!
Teach the days of the week with the book or Mrs. Honey’s Hat Game by having the children try to remember what was taken from her hat on which day.
Perfect for and Story Hour – this kit has everything needed to engage young children with manipulatives, audio, and games. Mrs. Honey's Hat Storysack...
•Mrs. Honey's Hat •9 ½”x 10 ½” Soft-Cover Book •15” Mrs. Honey Doll with felt hat •12 Velcro Hat Decorations •Mrs. Honey’s Hat Game •Expandable Non-fiction Spider Book & Teacher/Parent Guide • Packaged in a colorful drawstring sack for easy hanging in your closet • Mrs. Honey’s Hat Storysack- $69.99